Saturday, March 16, 2013

Yellow Bird

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When I was a little girl my Mom played the guitar.  She did it as a hobby and I'm sure it took her thoughts away from the daily grind of taking care of myself and my older brother.  I remember being  around 5 years old sitting in the dining room at our old house watching my mother practice.  She strummed and turned the pages of her music sheets and often she learned cute children's songs to entertain us.  She wouldn't deny not being the best singer but; it was all for fun and I have found memories of the times I sat and watched her practice.  She used an old tape recorder (we're talking reel to reel) to tape her music and then replay it to judge and critique her work.   One of my favorite songs was Yellow Bird.  A Jamaican folk song about a birds love life.  I always pictured the cute little bird in my imagination when we often sang it together.  The rythm was fun and the song was sweet. I remember giggles and smiles and it warms my heart.

 Feeling inspired that Spring is just around the corner that song always comes to mind.  Those feelings the music evoked seem to blossom within me as the birds begin to once again sing and the skies glow a warm blue melting the snow; revealing my favorite season.  There are no banana trees where I live and birds of yellow aren't commonly found fluttering in our backyard  but the simple sound of the birds excitedly singing as the ground kicks off its winter blanket and Spring is ready to hop out of bed and get gardening underway makes me smile with a song in my heart.

So this is like the old reel to reel tape recorder I remember.  Whoa!  Feeling old school now.

 A Dining Area by Innate2Decorate

Inspired By "Yellow Bird"


Lawrence Welk does Yellow Bird

I prefer a true Jamaican style of the song but; my Mom would love this.  These two can dance!

“Yellow Bird”

Yellow Bird
Up high in banana tree
Yellow Bird
You sit all alone like me
Did your lady friend
Leave your nest again
This is very sad
Makes me feel so bad
You can fly away
In the sky away
You're more lucky than me

I also had a pretty girl
She's not with me today
They're all the same
The pretty girls
Take tenderness
Then they fly away
Yellow Bird
Up high in banana tree
Yellow Bird
You sit all alone like me
Let her fly away
In the sky away
Pick a town and soon
Take from night to noon
Black and yellow you
Like banana too
They might pick you someday

Wish that I were a yellow bird
I'd fly away with you
But I am not a yellow bird
So here I sit
Nothing else to do
Yellow Bird
Yellow Bird
Yellow Bird


How cute is he?  After a little research, this little guy is native to the Americas including Jamaica and Haiti. 
He's a yellow warbler, maybe you've seen him in your backyard?  I always pictured a cute bird like this when I was little singing along with my Mom.  Nice to know he could have a home
near a banana tree.

Inspired by Yellow

Here's a few rooms inspired by yellow that warm my heart and make me smile.  I hope they do the same for you, enjoy!
I could lounge here and read for a bit, how about you?  I love the happy stripes!
 My daughter said, "That's not yellow, Mama..."  But isn't it?  Mellow Yellow - and I love the star pendant.  The room must glow with magic at night from the star lights shadows and the yellow warmth.  A must would be a dimmer on that light switch.
 Welcome to this happy home.  So the doorway is amazing but how about that settee?  Even the touches of yellow accents cast a welcoming embrace.

I think if I went for a calming soak here I would surely here a yellow bird
singing outside this fancy bath window.

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