Sunday, February 17, 2013

Snow Makes Whiteness


 Snow makes whiteness where it falls
The bushes look like popcorn balls
The places where I always play
Look like somewhere else today
- Anonymous
I remember learning this poem when I was young and it always made me smile.  Whenever it snows and the bushes actually do resemble popcorn balls I beckon the attention of my girls (now ages 7 and 8) and make a big goofball out of myself reciting this poem as though I am some formal Thespian.  At first they giggled each time.  Next they scoffed and groaned.  Now, they actually join in and sometimes they do the reciting without being prompted.  It's one of those little things in life that makes me smile and warms my heart because my girls smile too.  Who knows?  Maybe you will think of this little poem and my girls and I the next time you see a blanket of snow?  And who knows, maybe you will even grin and this little thing will be your little thing? 
Today it snowed.

A Snowy Room by Innate2Decorate

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